> deutsch 
research profile
Since the 1990s I work on urban development concepts of European cities and their references to economic globalisation, global environmental change and governance innovation. I am interested in urban discourses as well as in socio-economical dynamics and resource conflict within cities and in between cities at a regional and international scale. My spatial focus on cities is connected with my research in gender studies and political ecology. After my dissertation on sustainability discourses in Hamburg I continued this topic with studies in Vienna and Leipzig and worked in research projects on adaptation to climate change in Germany and on local renewable energy strategies for the last years.
As member of the Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies I had the chance to expand my studies on international climate policy with a research project in Kenya. After guest professorships in Vienna and Graz I became professor for integrative geography at the University of Flensburg.
I am editor of the blog on climate debates: https://klimadebatte.wordpress.com